Opening in 2024 this will be a state of the art venue catering to all your shopping, socialising and cultural needs. Darley Street Market in Bradford will deliver a hub for friends and family to enjoy.

Project Details

Strategically located in the heart of the city’s central shopping area, the new Darley Street Market has been designed to be a light, airy and modern retail space packed with a variety of energy and environment-saving features.

  • LOCATIONDarley Sreet, Bradford
  • VALUE22m
  • SCALE4000sqm
  • TIME SCALEOpening in 2024

The Bradford Market and public realm project is intended as a key catalyst in the regeneration of this part of the city centre.

The proposals will provide a facility relevant to Bradford, strengthening its offer while providing opportunity for community activities in the market and connected public realm.

The design of the new market and square reconciles the topography of the area through the use of two ground floors, creating a dedicated service yard beneath the public realm and a world food offer at first floor overlooking the new events space.

The proposals seek to enhance the appreciation of the conservation area in which the proposals sit by offering new views of the numerous heritage buildings on Piccadilly, the road parallel to Darley Street, which was traditionally the main shopping street in Bradford.

The new market facility is being designed to be a low-energy, sustainable development. It is proposed that the building will be predominantly naturally ventilated, with some background heating for colder periods, and large areas of photovoltaics on the roof. The intention is to lower the potential costs passed on to traders, enabling the building to be more environmentally, economically and socially sustainable.

Now completed and OPENING IN 2024…